Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Spencer Fair 2012

The Spencer Fair is held every year at the same time, Labor Day weekend.
Admission is typically $10 a person to get in, if you're not a part of the fair.
It's a small country fair with everything you could imagine a country fair would have.
Tractors, livestock, rides, and fried unhealthy grease on a stick.
It's been a tradition for me growing up in East Brookfield, Massachusetts 
to to go the Spencer Fair every year.
I've been with my friends every year since middle school.

It's the biggest thing that was ever in town, and although it never changed much,
and it wasn't ever all that interesting, we always had to go.
Not many people enjoy it, because it's such a small town thing, 
and it's a "waste of money" for something that never changes.
There's always a huge crowd regardless of what the population of Spencer claims.

There's definitely one thing people never want to miss and it's the Demo Derby.
You need to dedicate your day sitting on the metal bleachers holding a spot if you want to watch,
especially now with people holding spots with blankets.
Otherwise, you will never get the opportunity to watch it.

Well we went this year, like every year, it was just Dave, Megan and I.
We spent the whole day walking around the fair.
We looked at the entire poultry show, rabbit show, and cattle show.

We walked around the exhibit hall, and looked at all the contest entries 
everything ranging from best jellies and jams, to best photographs.

The largest pumpkin ever entered into their giant pumpkin competition was entered this year.

We even watched the Motocross show, acrobat show, and Dan Candall hypnotist show.

There was one thing different this year, which I enjoyed.
It was the mountain brew soda wagon.
$10 for unlimited fountain drinks all day, and a souvenir tin cup.
 To be honest, that is probably the least amount of money 
I've ever spent on drinks at the fair.
That's usually what I spend all of my money on.
So that was something I enjoyed.

The things we love most are the honey sticks for 5/$1.
Holding the baby chicks, and the fair food, obviously.
It's never anything different, but I enjoy the consistency, and time with friends (and family).
I'll always be there for the fair, no matter what.
It's tradition.

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