Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hiking Pack Monadnock

I'll just get right to it on this one. Also, yes. This is not a food post.  ^.-
On August 25th, I told Britt that we should go on a hike. She agreed to do it.
So we woke up on the 26th, went to the store to grab some stuff.
A new hiking backpack, lunch bag, water bottle and water, food for lunch, etc.
After getting all of stuff situated, we headed out on the hour long drive to Pack Monadnock,
located in Miller State Park, Peterborough, NH.
We paid the $4 a person (The fee for hikers) and parked the car.
After making sure we had all of our water bottles and everything,
I shouldered the new backpack and we headed on up the mountain.

Me on the way up the mountain.
We took the Marion-Davis trail up the mountain. It was actually a pretty nice trail. 
Now neither of us being in the best of shape, we had to stop a little bit more often than usual. 
But it was still an awesome hike. The weather was great for it.

Since we got to the mountain in the afternoon, there weren't that many people still on the trails. 
We passed a few heading down as we went up, and one party later going up as we were heading down, and that was about it.

The trail up is a relatively easy trail, even for people who don't hike often, or at all. 
A few steeper parts, but all-in-all an easy trail. Just watch out for falling acorns. 
I took one or two off the top of the head.

The old fire tower.
At the top of the mountain there is a little picnic area. 
A couple tables, 'bathrooms', and an old fire tower. 
If you aren't afraid of heights, you can climb the narrow metal staircases 
to the top and get an amazing view. 
On a clear day you can even see Boston, Ma 50 miles off in the distance.

We stayed up here for about a half hour, ate our lunch, 
and rested our legs, then it was right back down the mountain.

We took this trail back down. It has a lot of rocks.
The Wapack trail goes right over Pack Monadnock.
We decided to take the southern trail back down to the base.
It was a much harder hike than the one we took up.
For us less experienced hikers at least. There were a lot of rocks,
and you were basically rock climbing for pieces of it. Which wouldn't be a bad thing,
if we had done this trail first, and not after already hiking up the mountain.
Like I said, we don't exactly go hiking every weekend.

A cool grasshopper that Britt almost squished accidentally.
We finally made it back down to the base, exhausted, 
sore (never wear steel-toed boots to hike down a rocky trail.), and relieved. 
Just in time, too, since we finished the water we had brought a minute or two before the base. 
With the slow pace we went, both to enjoy it, and to not kill ourselves,
it took about 3 1/2 hours to complete our hike. 
I would definitely recommend the hike to other people. 
So if you're looking for a new mountain to hike, or an old one to hike again, 
or even looking to go hiking for the first time, definitely check out Pack Mondanock.

Though maybe don't take Wapack Trail South back down the mountain. ;-)

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